Title: Till Request Log

Request Log

Every request that passes through till (except those that are intercepted) will be logged by the request logger, and are viewable on the Till UI at http://localhost:2980/requests.

This allows you to easily monitor and troubleshoot requests that your scrapers are currently sending.

Request Log UI


Note: This feature is enabled by default. However, if you want to specify other configurations, the following are the options:

Configuration Value
logger.disabled Allowed values: true or false. (default false)
logger.ttl Time-to-live for the request log records. Allowed values: minute, hour, day, week, fortnight, month, year, or forever (default week).

Note: Till stores the log data inside your Data Directory on your local disk. You can change the TTL settings to save disk space. The lesser the TTL, the smaller the space in your disk that will be used.

Configuration Steps

Step 1: Configure Till

When you have already created a config file, you can add a configuration like so:

# Logger settings
  # Disable the logger feature
  # Defaults to false.
  disabled: false

  # TTL (Time To Live). How long a request log record will be allowed to live before it gets deleted.
  # Defaults to "week".
  ttl: "week"

Step 2: Verify Till

Now, you just need to verify that your Till configuration is working.

Let's first send a request via till using curl:

$ curl 'https://fetchtest.datahen.com' -k --proxy http://localhost:2933

Next, you can go to http://localhost:2980/requests and see your request log history.