
There are two ways to configure Till, to use the flags on the CLI or through a config file.

Data Directory

Some of Till's features such as Sticky Sessions, Cache, and Request Log stores data in a certain directory on your local drive.

The name of the data directory follows the <instance name>.data naming convention. For example, if your instance name is foo, then the data directory's name will be

Configuration Value
datadir Specify the path to the data directorys. Defaults to: ~/.config/datahen/till/

Configuration through CLI

When you run till serve you can configure the way Till should run by specifying any of the command-line flags.

The following describes the flags that you can specify:

$ till serve --help 
Using config file: ~/.config/datahen/till/config.yaml
Starts the DataHen Till server in order to listen to and receive HTTP requests and proxy them.

  till serve [flags]

      --apiport string      Specify the port to run the API server (default "2980")
      --ca-cert string      Specify the CA certificate file (default is ~/.config/datahen/till/till-ca-cert.pem)
      --ca-key string       Specify the CA certificate file (default is ~/.config/datahen/till/till-ca-key.pem)
      --datadir string      Specify the path to the data directory that this instance uses (default is ~/.config/datahen/till/
      --force-user-agent    When set to true, will override any user-agent header with a random value based on ua-type (default true)
  -h, --help                help for serve
  -i, --instance string     Specify the name of the Till instance. (default "default")
  -p, --port string         Specify the port to run (default "2933")
      --proxy-file string   Specify the path to a txt file that contains a list of proxies
  -t, --token string        Specify the Till auth token. To get your token, sign up for at
      --ua-type string      Specify what kind of browser user-agent to generate. Values can either be "desktop" or "mobile" (default "desktop")

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is ~/.config/datahen/till/config.yaml)

Config File

You can specify a more granular configuration for Till by using the config.yaml file.

By default, if you create a yaml file on the path ~/.config/datahen/till/config.yaml, Till will use this file as its configuration when it runs.

The following is a sample config.yaml file that you can use as a starting point:

Note: This config.yaml file contains all default values for Till. You can change the values as necessary.

# Get your auth token at 
token: replace-with-your-token

# The Till instance name. 
# This can be changed to match other instance names that you've 
# created on
instance: default

# The data directory that is used by various features of Till to store data. 
# It usually follows the naming convention of `<instance name>.data`
datadir: ~/.config/datahen/till/

# The proxy port where your scraper codes will connect to.
port: 2930

# The port to the Till UI.
uiport: 2980

# Certificate Authority (CA) settings that Till will use to act as Man-In-The-Middle (MIITM) proxy.
# The path to the CA certificate file.
ca-cert: ~/.config/datahen/till/till-ca-cert.pem
# The path to the CA key file.
ca-key: ~/.config/datahen/till/till-ca-key.pem

# User agent settings.
# When set to true, it will override all user-agent with a randomly generated one
force-user-agent: false
# specify user agent type to generate randomly. 
ua-type: desktop

# Proxy IP settings.
# Path to the text file that contains a list of proxy IPs.
# If you don't specify this, Till will use your real local IP address.
proxy-file: ~/.config/datahen/till/proxylist.txt

# Sticky Session settings
  # Disable the sticky sessions feature.
  # Defaults to false.
  disabled: false
  # TTL (Time To Live). How long a session record will be allowed to live before it gets deleted.
  # Defaults to "week".
  ttl: "week"
# Cache settings
  # Disable the cache feature.
  # Defaults to false.
  disabled: false

  # TTL (Time To Live). How long a cache record will be allowed to live before it gets deleted.
  # Defaults to "week".
  ttl: "week"

  # Specifies by default on how fresh the Cache Hit will be.
  # Defaults to "any"
  freshness: "any" 
  # Specifies if Till should serve cached responses of failed HTTP requests (non 2XX statuses)
  # Defaults to false.
  serve-failures: false

# Logger settings
  # Disable the logger feature
  # Defaults to false.
  disabled: false

  # TTL (Time To Live). How long a request log record will be allowed to live before it gets deleted.
  # Defaults to "week".
  ttl: "week"

# Request Interception settings
  # this example intercept various image URLs and responds with a local image
  - name: replace_images
    disabled: true
      pattern: '.+\.(jpe?g|png|tiff|bmp|gif|webp)'
      method: GET
      code: 200 
        "Content-Type": "image/png"
      file: "/path/to/your/image.png"   
  # this example intercept a certain URL and responds with a body
  - name: replace_body
    disabled: true
      pattern: 'fetchtest\.datahen\.com\/echo\/request'
      method: GET,POST
      code: 200 
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      body: '{"Hello":"this has been intercepted"}'